The Awards Committee is looking to recruit keen, critical, enthusiastic screeners and judges to help decide the winners of the Mithril Awards.

Screeners will help in narrowing down the public nominations into shorter lists of semi-finalists and finalists. You need to be a quick and accurate reader with excellent English skills, and preferably with broad knowledge of Tolkien’s works. The screening process will take place in mid-April and early May.

Judges will be expected to read and evaluate between five and eight pieces of fiction, poetry or critical writing per category, in one or two categories. Please bear in mind these could range from poems or vignettes to novel-length stories.

An ideal judge will have an excellent understanding of written English as well as good knowledge of Tolkien's works, and will have read widely in Tolkien fanfiction. You should be able to put aside personal preferences to criticise works on their own merits. Being a fanfiction author or a beta-reader is an advantage but is not essential. We are particularly looking for people who have broad general Tolkien knowledge – across The Lord of the Rings (books and movies), The Silmarillion and The Hobbit – and who have no particular bias for or against slash, het, erotic or general fics, though experts in one particular Tolkien book are also welcome.

Judges will not be allowed to have works entered for consideration in the categories they are judging, but can enter the Awards in other categories. Judging will take place in late May and early June.

If you are interested in becoming a screener or judge for the Mithril Awards, please send a brief biography, including the following information, to

  • a brief summary of your experience in the realms of Tolkien and fanfiction
  • any other skills that might make you a good judge or screener
  • what genres of Tolkien fanfiction you prefer
  • whether you are happy reading slash or het (including adult-rated works)
  • whether you are interested in judging, screening or both
  • categories you are interested in judging
  • an age statement

The closing date for applications is 28 February 2004. Judges will be selected and assigned to categories during March.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The Awards Committee

Last updated: 10 February 2004